IMG_1953Faith and Displacement: Introduction 

Northern humanitarian responses have often emphasised a ‘secular-religious divide’, treating religion as a barrier to ‘inclusive’ and ‘neutral’ engagement. This, Refugee Hosts Co-I Anna Rowlands argues, needs to be troubled and re-framed.

baddawi-dec2016-jan2017-029-2-e1493059670421Refugee-Refugee Solidarity in Death and Dying

In Baddawi refugee camp, the cemetery is both a “gathering, and a gatherer” of the diverse histories of the camp. By reflecting on this, Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh and Yousif M. Qasmiyeh highlight the important spiritual role mourning and memory play in contexts of displacement.

mimi066-copiaVisualising Faith, Trauma and Conflict Through Art: The Work of Marcello Silvestri

Marcello Silvestri’s work offers a window into how faith can be drawn on creatively as a means of responding to trauma, migration, conflict and war.


2015-06-17-06-11-31Faith-Based Humanitarian Corridors to Italy: A Safe and Legal Route to Safety

Susanna Trotta explores the important roles Italian Faith-Based Organisations are playing in opening up routes to safety for refugees. These interventions arguably counteract the troubling trends of hostility common among state-responses to refugees.

parols_for_saleReflection and Connection: Religious Celebration in Times of Crisis

Despite misunderstandings, international responses to crises should aim to more effectively engage with local religious ceremonies as part of their overall response. By Olivia Wilkinson, who draws on her research in the Philippines.

77521492_belgiumrefugees-innerharbourBelgian Refugees in Glasgow: Local Faith Communities, Hosting and the Great War

Keiran Taylor offers a key historical perspective into the role played by local faith communities in Glasgow responding to the needs of refugees from Belgium during World War One.

dsc05754Engaging with Faith Values to Reshape Responses to Forced Migration

Mainstream humanitarian responses to forced migration can benefit from faith-based perspectives, particularly those that recognise the importance of spirituality in providing dignity and well-being to refugees, argues Sadia Kidwai.

Screen Shot 2018-06-12 at 11.07.11Photographing Religion and Displacement: UNHCR’s 30 Days of Faith

Typically, secular humanitarian agencies shy away from depicting faith in their campaigns. By contrast, this 2013 campaign by UNHCR is an example of how it is possible to account for the positive value of faith in displacement contexts.

near-adana1Seeking Evidence to Provide Protection: How Can Local Faith Communities Support Refugees? 

We need more nuanced evidence to help policymakers and practitioners better understand the roles that faith-based actors already play, and have the potential to play, in supporting refugees and forced migrants, argue Sadia Kidwai and Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh.

file-20180226-140197-vjcb6s-2How to Overcome Religious Prejudice among Refugees

Instances of religious tensions between refugee communities from Syria are not inevitable, but an abnormality. Inter-community divisions must not be assumed, but actively resisted through efforts to enhance solidarity, argues Kat Eghdamian.


To read other contributions to our Faith and Displacement series, click here.



Representations of Displacement

Translation, Poetry and Displacement

The Localisation Agenda