The Refugee Hosts blog is no longer accepting guest submissions.  However, if you are interested in writing a blog please access the ‘Submissions’ page of the Southern Responses to Displacement project.  This project is also led by Refugee Hosts’ P.I. Prof. Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh and explores why, how and with what effect Southern states, civil society networks and refugees have responded to support refugees from Syria.

Themes that are of particular interest to the Southern Responses to Displacement project blog include:

  1. different ways of conceptualising ‘Southern-led responses’, including conceptualisations of ‘the Global South’ and of ‘response/non-response;
  2. diverse forms of Southern-led responses to conflict-induced displacement;
  3. the (un)official motivations, nature and implications of Southern-led responses;
  4. refugees’ experiences, perceptions and conceptualisations of Southern-led responses, including whether refugees conceptualise these responses ‘as’ humanitarian in nature (or, for instance, as politically or ideologically motivated);
  5. diverse Southern and Northern actors’ perceptions of Southern-led responses;
  6. the implications of Southern-led initiatives for humanitarian theory and practice.

For further information regarding submitting a blog to the Southern Responses to Displacement project contact Sorcha Daly, Project and Communications Coordinator: